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METL Sponsored IR Revalidation Course Ultimo TAFE

Another cohort of METL sponsored IR's have completed a revalidation course in conjunction with Ultimo TAFE. 
The students completed their training in firefighting and survival craft amongst other units to be able to go back to sea and serve as Australia seafarers.

To date METL has assisted 152 seafarers as part of their Hardship Assistance Scheme.
The project has been spearheaded by METL’s Miss Allanah Gavin who has worked tirelessly to find courses and assist seafarers nationally.

It was great to get down to the college and meet with the sailors in person and hear their stories of service and their continuing dedication to the proud career of seafaring.
Working with Ultimo TAFE has also been a highlight and has allowed METL to extend its educational opportunities to sailors on the east coast. 


Posted in Ahoy at 03 November 23

World Maritime Day 2023

World Maritime Day this year places a focus on MARPOL and its 50-year commitment to preventing pollution from ships entering our environment.

We sometimes take for granted all the effort that goes into bringing us the goods that we use every day and how far they have travelled around the world to get to us mainly by ship.

METL and all its employees take pride in leaving our environment in a better place for our future generations and we wish the best to all our trainees and serving seafarers

By looking back at the great improvements our shipping fleets have made in the past from the use of low sulphur fuels to the banning of plastic into our oceans.   We look forward to the great achievements that we can make into the future. 

Click her for more info

Posted in Ahoy at 28 September 23

A Conversation on Modern Slavery

On the 20th of September, New METL Operations Coordinator Tim Arnold attended a forum on modern Slavery at which Sister Mary Leahy was a key speaker. 

Sister Mary is a well-regarded figure around the wharves of Port Botany she is known for her tireless work over the past 28 years with seafarers. 

She attends vessels and regularly works in conjunction with the ITF to assist seafarers in need, providing them with care packages and guidance. 

It was great hearing Sister Mary give her lively commentary on social justice issues around seafarers, The important work she does makes a real impact on their lives. 

METL made a donation to Sister Mary to help out with the care packages she provides. 

Posted in Ahoy at 20 September 23

The RSV Nuyina -TIR Trent Stephens

Currently serving as a TIR on the RSV Nuyina, Trent Stephens has been in the hot seat, recently receiving his steering ticket under the tutelage of a highly experienced bridge team. 

Trent has also been involved in the recent mission to rescue an unwell Antarctic expeditioner.
The huge logistics feat of sailing a vessel just shy of 4000kms south of Perth into the chilly waters of Antarctica is one of the extraordinary tasks our trainees practice for and we wish the expeditioner the best along with the brave crew of the Nuyina.

Trent is currently gearing up with the crew for the next resupply voyage to Davis Station where he will be warmly greeted by expeditioners in much need of a resupply. 
We wish Trent and the crew of the Nuyina a safe voyage. 
We can’t wait to see Trent’s next pictures in the METL office.

To read more about Trent’s story with his host company please click here 

Posted in Ahoy at 08 September 23

Day of the seafarer 2023

This year, we highlight seafarers' vital role in ship safety and environmental protection. They ensure global trade, uphold marine treaties, and combat pollution daily. As we mark the 50th anniversary of MARPOL Convention, we renew our commitment to protect our oceans. Seafarers are crucial in the shipping industry's move towards decarbonization, ensuring a just transition to a zero-carbon future, all to safeguard our precious oceans, the lifeblood of our planet.

Posted in Ahoy at 25 June 23

White Ribbon Walk 2018

White Ribbon supporters filled the length of Coogee Bay Road

On a glorious sunny November 23rd, METL’s Kevin Hunt participated in the 8th annual White Ribbon Walk along with thousands of Sydneysiders who were all walking side by side to raise awareness of, and stand against, domestic violence.

The White Ribbon Walk kicked off from Randwick at 7:30am with representatives from a varied cross section of society. Within the crowds of participants were the NSW police commissioner, NRL team South Sydney Rabbitohs, high school students, Australian Defence Forces, State Emergency Services, and a large contingent of private citizens.

White Ribbon supporters filled the length of Coogee Bay Road

Roads were blocked in Sydney's eastern suburbs to allow the crowds passage down Coogee Bay Road to the ocean, with onlookers waving, cheering and ringing bells to the stream of walkers dressed in White Ribbon t-shirts passing them.

At Grant Reserve, Coogee the walkers were greeted with coffee, water and a breakfast bbq, with speeches being delivered by a number of notable people.

For more info on White Ribbon or on how to get involved with the campaign, visit the White Ribbon Website:

Posted in Ahoy at 05 December 18

Introducing METLs Moana Short

Moana joined METL in December 2017 on a temporary assignment as the Finance officer working on a part time basis. Moana was previously employed in the Construction industry for the last 15 years and looks forward to new challenges of working within a Not For Profit organisation. Moana has extensive experience within the finance sector and is keen to build upon her knowledge and continue to learn within this sector.

METLs Moana Short

Posted in Ahoy at 03 September 18

Ruth Kirley: 4 Years At METL

Wow, where has that four years gone. Truth be told, it only seems like it was yesterday that I was typing up last years story. I think I may have blinked too many times for it to fly right past me so quickly. 
As I sit here typing up my anniversary story, I reflect what has been accomplished over the past twelve months. METL completed its first RTO course in March 2018 with the completion of MAR20116 Certificate II Maritime Operations (Linespersons). METL currently has three courses running for this qualification with more courses scheduled for the second half of 2018.  In April of this year, METL completed its first course at METL Maritime Centre in Henderson, WA. RIIWHS202D Enter and Work in Confined Spaces course was a big achievement for the organisation. In the middle of August, METL completed its second course of TLILIC2005 – Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more). 

METLs Ruth Kirley

On a personal note, my role as METLs Admin and Marketing Officer is still as challenging and gratifying as it was this time last year. For the GTO, I still appreciate being part of the trainees traineeship journey. Knowing that I have helped over sixty trainees if it was for the entire duration, part of their traineeship or even before and after the traineeship, it stills put smile on my face. Just like the GTO, I find it rewarding when I enrol, process and complete the students and their Statement of Attainments or their Certificate II's are issued to them. My role within the organisation has increased but I love the challenges that I am faced with.
I am proud of what has been achieved and although there is much work ahead not only as a GTO, but also as an RTO, I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities, which lie ahead not only for the coming year but the years to come.

Posted in Ahoy at 20 August 18

Simon Earle: 8 Years At METL

CEO Simon Earle celebrated 8 years with METL in August this year. Having been there since the beginning, he said it was rewarding to see how METL had established itself as a key service provider for the industry.

“We’ve been working with a couple host employers for 6 and 7 years now, and they’ve shown great commitment to the training of Australian seafarers, and to working alongside us.” He states that these relationships are testament to skill and professionalism of the METL staff, who work with with the trainees, the employers and the training organisations on a daily basis.

METLs CEO Simon Earle

He cites a achievements of the last 12 months as the registration of the Certificate II Maritime Operations (Linesperson) qualification plus a number of units of competency on METL’s RTO scope. As many employers seek safer, more productive workforces or additional competencies beyond the requirements of legislation, he said it made sense to seek to expand the offering.

When asked about the future, he says, “We need to be looking at the industry more broadly; stevedoring, ports, smaller vessels. We know there are shortages in some areas and I think there’s some work that could be done to promote maritime careers for the next generation.”

Posted in Ahoy at 14 August 18

Kevin Hunt: Six Years At METL

Last year when we passed my five year anniversary with METL I remember joking that it would only be twenty minutes until I hit six years and had to write another one of these - and that seems about right.
The past year has been busy for METL. The setup of the METL RTO has been ramping up, with the building being completed and courses just kicking off.  
Separate to that our GTO operations have been continuing strong, and evolving in response to the industry. Now that the skills shortage which originally prompted the formation of METL has been met, operations have been scaled down to meet the ongoing training needs of our partnered Host Employers.
Our two major Host Employers are now fully engaged in the traineeship process, with selections of trainees being made prior to commencement of the college phase, and provision of on-the-job vessel placement following on once the course has been completed.

Kevin Hunt: METLs Operations Officer

We also have agreements in place for ad-hoc provision of trainees with another couple of Hosts, who take on METL trainees when and where they are able. This can lead to some juggling on our end, but it really provides an amazing opportunity for our trainees to broaden their experience.
We currently have a group of great trainees going through the course with South Metro TAFE in Fremantle, and will also shortly be having a group commence with AMC in Launceston. These intakes are staggered to match the expected completion dates of our current TIRs, and allow us to maintain a rolling process to replenish our trainees as they achieve their qualifications.
So, as always, it’s all-systems-go here. The one consistent part of this role has always been an inner monologue saying “We’ll just get through this particular busy period, and then things will calm down a little”. Of course that calm period never quite shows up, and before I know it another year has passed made up entirely of busy periods and projects and intakes and deadlines – so I’ll see you in about twenty minutes.

Posted in Ahoy at 31 July 18

Day OF The Seafarer 2018

Every year on June 25th, the world celebrates Day of the Seafarer which highlights the importance of seafarers in our lives. The day is not only about acknowledging the contributions that they have to the world economy and civil society, but also the risks and personal costs they bear within their chosen profession.

2018 campaign of Day of the Seafarer is about celebrating seafarers and informing the world about how and why seafarers are indispensable to everyone. With that in mind, the tagline for this year’s event is “Seafarers Wellbeing”. The theme was also chosen to coincide with last year’s theme of mental health.

For further information, please click here.

Posted in Ahoy at 25 June 18

Collaboration on Training Delivers Results

In an industry first, an alliance between Svitzer Australia, the Maritime Union of Australia, Maritime Employees Training Ltd and Nexus Learning Systems, has delivered a nationally recognised qualification for Linespersons.

Twelve Linespersons at Svitzer’s Newcastle base have completed the Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Linesperson), with commitment to rolling out the training to the entire complement, as well as operators in other states. Svitzer’s Western Australia-based Kwinana operation was quick to follow, with 18 employees now undertaking the course.

Svitzer Australia General Manager, Harbour Towage East, James Mather said: “We are dedicated to providing our customers with safe, reliable and efficient operations. Key to achieving that is a highly-trained, professional workforce.”

Glen Williams, MUA Newcastle Branch Secretary praised the initiative, saying: “Lines work is among the most dangerous occupations globally, and as a union, we share a common goal with the employer; and that is the safety of our members. The realisation of this new qualification shows what can be achieved when we work with each other.”

The qualification delivery process was developed by Kerrie Simpson, of Nexus Learning Systems, drawing on the knowledge and experience of a dedicated team of Linespersons. Kerrie Simpson states: “Together, we have designed a rigorous training and assessment process, underpinned by safety and efficiency.”

Industry-based, not-for-profit Maritime Employees Training Ltd is the only Registered Training Organisation (RTO) approved to award this qualification in Australia. Understanding that unique circumstances will exist from port to port, the qualification has the flexibility to be customised to suit the requirements of any operation, ensuring the training is relevant to the job.


Posted in Ahoy at 09 May 18

Rob Simm: RTO Operations Manager Anniversary Statement

It is now 2 years since I started at METL, and this last year saw the completion of construction and the official opening of METL’s Maritime Centre at Henderson. We ran our fist training courses last November – Working at Heights and Confined Spaces Entry - which was a good introduction to the use of the facility and equipment.

Over the last year, I have been involved in a number of the Technical Advisory Committees reporting to the Maritime Industry Reference Committee, which provides advice to government on training package development. We reviewed near coastal maritime qualifications in 2017 and are currently reviewing high-risk licences.

I am looking forward to the challenges and training that will occur this year and wish everyone the best for 2018.

Rob Simm
RTO Operations Manager

METLs Rob Simm

Posted in Ahoy at 01 February 18

Ruth Kirley: Weighs Anchor

We are sad to announce that Ruth Kirley, METL Admin/Marketing Officer is preparing to set sail (metaphorically) after 3 ½ years of service with METL.

Ruth commenced with METL in 2014 as Administration Officer, providing office support and assisting with the multitude of administrative tasks required of a GTO. Over her tenure, Ruth’s role grew to encompass trainee contact and support; liaison with host employers; and all aspects of marketing.

“Ruth’s been a great support to our team, and always given our customers exceptional service”, reflected CEO, Simon Earle. “She’s pushed projects along like our website and communications, including this newsletter, and done the hard yards chasing up Trainees, but always been there to support them. There’s a lot involved in the role, and Ruth has always given 100%.”

The Board and staff of METL would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Ruth for her contribution to the organisation and extend the best wishes for her future.

Goodbye and good luck Ruth

Posted in Ahoy at 31 January 18

Hannan Sets Sail

It is with heavy hearts that we announce Hannan El-kabbout, METL Finance/GTO Officer is moving on from METL after almost 4 years of service.
Hannan commenced with METL in 2014 as Administration Officer and was shortly promoted, taking on greater responsibility for the operation of the GTO. This included attracting government incentives, managing relationships with RTO’s, apprenticeship centres, and group training networks to ensure quality and compliance. In time, Hannan also accepted greater responsibility for the financial side of the business, managing all accounts, payroll, and assisting with reports budgeting.
Over the past 12 months, as METL has been working on the establishment of the RTO, Hannan has been instrumental in the development of the RTO website and design and implementation of the RTO compliance software.
METL CEO, Simon Earle had this to say: “Hannan has been exceptional. Always focused on a good outcome, and always willing to take on new things. In a small organisation like METL, everyone needs to be flexible, and apply their skills where they’re needed; even if it’s something new or outside the normal day-to-day routine. And that’s exactly what she’s done.”
The Board and staff of METL would like to express sincere gratitude for the work Hannan has done over the years and extend the best wishes for her future endeavours.

Goodbye and good luck Hannan

Posted in Ahoy at 18 December 17

White Ribbon Walk November 24th 2017

On November 24th, METL’s Hannan El-kabbout and Ruth Kirley participated in the 7th annual White Ribbon Walk.
Thousands of Sydneysiders walked side by side raise awareness of, and stand against, domestic violence.
The White Ribbon Walk kicked off from Randwick at 7:30am November 24th, with representatives from a varied cross section of society. Within the crowds of participants were the NSW police commissioner, NRL team South Sydney Rabbitohs, high school students, Australian Defence Forces, State Emergency Services, and a large contingent of private citizens.



White Ribbon supporters filled the length of Coogee Bay Road


Roads were blocked in Sydney's eastern suburbs to allow the crowds passage down Coogee Bay Road to the ocean, with onlookers waving, cheering and ringing bells to the stream of walkers dressed in White Ribbon t-shirts passing them.
At Grant Reserve, Coogee the walkers were greeted with coffee, water and a breakfast bbq, with speeches being delivered by a number of notable people.


At the finish line listening to speakers


METL’s Ruth Kirley and Hannan El-kabbout after completing the White Ribbon walk


For more info on White Ribbon or on how to get involved with the campaign, visit the White Ribbon Website:

Posted in Ahoy at 26 November 17

METL Maritime Centre Update

We are getting close to operational status at METL’s facility in the Australian Marine Complex, with the practical training zones and equipment now in place. There is a combined Working at Heights and Confined Space Entry module, track and racks for Forklift training, and separate, flexible zones for Scaffolding, Dogging, Rigging and Cranes.


Forklift area and Rob Simm setting up

It will be possible to safely and effectively conduct multiple practical training and assessment activities literally “under the one roof”, protected from the elements. There is also plenty of additional space outside which can be utilised.

Aerial view of METL Maritime Centre

The Building Certifier has completed the final inspection of the WA Facility and signed off on building compliance. An application for occupancy has been submitted to the City of Cockburn Council, who need to carry out a site inspection and issue a Public Building Use certificate.

Foyer at the centre

“We have been meeting with employers to showcase the facility, and the response has been positive”, said RTO Operations Manager, Rob Simm. “We expect to commence delivery of training by October or November this year; it’s been a long project, so we are really keen to get started.”

“What we have developed, is a resource for the whole industry – seafarers, stevedores, port operations, and transport that interfaces with maritime,” adds METL CEO Simon Earle. “Now we’re fully set-up, our immediate focus is to engage with industry, identify the training requirements, and then work with employers and employees to meet those requirements.”

METLs CEO Simon Earle and RTO Operations Manager Rob Simm

Posted in Ahoy at 04 September 17

Ruth Kirley: 3 Years At METL

August 18th 2014 was my first day at METL and it only feels like it was yesterday that I was walking through the METL doors and sitting at my desk for the first time.

As I sit here typing up my anniversary story, I reflect what has been accomplished over the past twelve months.

In September and October 2016 respectively, METL won NSW Medium Employer of the Year and the Maritime Services Award at the 21st Australian Shipping and Maritime Industry Awards.

In June 2017, our very first course commenced through our RTO with MAR20116 Certificate II Maritime Operations (Linespersons). This was another big achievement for our organisation as it was the start of the next phase for the organisation.

On a personal note, in November 2016, I was promoted from the position of Admin Officer to METLs Admin and Marketing Officer. I love the challenges that this new role has provided me and it has allowed me to develop more valuable skills.

Ruth Kirley METLs Admin and Marketing Officer

The biggest highlight by far was co-organising METLs Maritime Centre grand opening in WA on April 6th 2017.After months of planning, I was able to attend the event and see what I contributed which was a mind blowing experience. I cannot wait for the challenges and milestones that METL will accomplish from the courses that will be operating through the METL Maritime Centre.

Looking back at the year as in an entirety, I am proud of what has been achieved and although there is much work ahead not only as a GTO, but also as an RTO, I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities, which lie ahead not only for the coming year but the years to come.

METL has been playing a vital role, examining the industry, identifying opportunities, and responding to needs of the clientele.

Posted in Ahoy at 28 August 17

Simon Earle: 7 Years At METL

Congratulations to METL CEO, Simon Earle, who clocked up 7 years at METL in August this year. Mr. Earle started as Operations Manager when METL kicked off, so has been through the ups and downs and has been dedicated to the ongoing success of the organisation.

He points to 2016 as being a particularly satisfying period. METL was awarded the NSW Department of Industry Medium Employer of the Year, produced the WA Trainee of the Year and received the coveted Lloyd’s List Maritime Services Award.

Simon Earle METLs CEO

“Everyone worked hard through the set-up in 2010 and during the early years. That laid a platform for our focus on quality, our commitment to the industry the development of services that led to our accolades last year,” he said.

He also points to 2017 as being a critical period of change and growth for the organisation. 2017 saw METL complete the construction of their own training facility at the Australian Marine Complex in WA; the commencement ofa Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Linesperson) course; and accreditation given to deliver HSR training. METL is also gearing up to provide a range of maritime-specific high-risk training to enhance skills and deliver safety outcomes for the industry.

“I am proud to have been involved in these key initiatives over the last 7 years. With the support of our industry partners and Host Employers, the direction from the Board and the current team, we’ve come a long way. I am really looking forward to what we can achieve in the next few years.”

Posted in Ahoy at 28 August 17

Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Linesperson)

Maritime Employees Training Limited (METL) is now approved by the Australian Skills and Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver and assess the nationally recognised Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Linesperson) qualification. This qualification replaces the previous Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Linesperson), and METL is currently the only Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with the qualification on scope.

The course materials and methodologies were developed by Kerrie Simpson, (who developed the previous Certificate I qualification), drawing on the experience of a crew of experienced Linesmen in the Port of Newcastle.

The qualification is gained primarily through assessments on-the-job, as opposed to extensive classroom-based learning, which minimises disruption in the workplace, and provides robust, documented evidence of actual skills as they are demonstrated.

Lines work is a high risk occupation. This qualification and its training and assessment methods will continue to build on the Industry’s commitment to ongoing safe work practices and help ensure that all persons engaged in Lines work are suitably skilled and qualified to do the work to a national set of competency standards.

For further details regarding this course, please see be below


MAR20120 Certificate II Maritime Operations (Linesperson)

Course Overview
This qualification is suitable for people working in the maritime industry as a Linesperson engaged in a range of tasks in mooring and unmooring operations. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Qualification Requirements
This course focuses on the skills required to work within the Maritime Industry Lines divisions.To be awarded this entry level Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Linesperson), competency must be achieved in the following 10 core units and one elective:


Work in a team



Provide First Aid



Conduct manual tasks safely



Apply marine terminology and port procedures



Maintain mooring equipment



Conduct mooring operations using mechanical equipment



Perform mooring operations



Communicate during mooring operations



Follow port and terminal security procedures



Follow work health and safety, and emergency procedures during mooring operations


Elective units 


Transmit and receive information by marine VHF radio within Australian Territorial Waters



Follow environmental work practices


Course delivery options
Reassessment for experienced Linespersons will consist of rigorous assessment against the requirements of each unit of competency (UOC) over a four (4) month period supported by components of off-the-job training for some units to develop new skills and knowledge.
New starters will have the course delivered through a combination of on and off-the-job training to ensure the building of new skills and knowledge which then are assessed over a period of time to confirm skills, knowledge and safe working practices.

Assessment Processes
The job of a linesperson is a high risk occupation so the assessment processes must be undertaken on the job. This combines testing knowledge and evidence of compliance to employers and against site and industry safety standards for each unit of competency.
Assessment will consist of knowledge testing, on-the-job assessment, case studies and simulations for each unit of competency

Benefits to Employers
1.    On the job training and assessment minimises the impact on operational requirements
2.    The assessment process provides documented evidence of individual safe work practice and compliance to required risk management standards
3.    The training provides additional development and assists in identifying future leaders and allows individuals to identify options for further career development in the Industry
4.    The Assessment process is customised where possible, with use of site procedures and documentation enabling employers to identify and implement any process improvements to procedures and documentation

For all enquiries please contact METL on (02) 8296 6385, or via email

Maritime Employees Training Ltd.   

MAR20120 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Linesperson)

Course Information October 2021

NTIS Code 91686

Posted in Ahoy at 01 August 17

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